
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Unintentional hiatus

Apparently as soon as I started this blog, I decided to take a break! That isn't actually the case, life just gets ahead of you sometimes, or it does to me at least.

Hubs and I recently returned from our belated honeymoon to Tokyo and I feel as though we are still trying to catch up. Ten days is a long time to be away from the new house, old dogs, and various other aspects of the day-to-day.

I have, however, amidst all the craziness picked up a new skill in the past couple of weeks. I learned (after fiddling with the propane tank for about half an hour) how to grill. No longer must I wait for Hubs to come home, have a day off, etc. I am now The Grillmaster (self-proclaimed). I have grilled kebabs, Tilapia, burgers, brats, you think of a grillable meat and I have mastered it. This is a particularly useful skill living in Texas as you can pretty much grill year round. I am thinking grilled turkey for Thanksgiving this year. Maybe....

In the spirit of "catching up" as I am right now, expect many posts in the next few days. I definitely want to share highlights of my trip if for no other reason to assure that post-Tsunami Tokyo is operating as usual. My thoughts and prayers join the thousands of others going out to Northern Japan and I do not in any way intend to make light of the atmosphere in Japan at the moment. Hopefully the stories and pictures I share will give a glimpse of the wonderful, hospitable, and culturally rich experience Hubs and I encountered.